Installation Photo Gallery, Northampton Community College, Fall 2011

Photo Gallery - Bruce Wall Designs & Photographs

Digital Installation - Video Gallery

Bruce Wall and Josh Miller
Kolam Wall, 2011
A multiple part work consisting of four, 48 X 48 inch and six, 24 X 24 inch, acrylic and mixed media paintings on canvas (BW); two, black & white digital animation films with motion sensor activated sound (JM & BW)

Bruce Wall and Josh Miller
Virtual Kolam, 2011
A participatory, multi-media installation featuring a drawing tablet, drawing programming and website (JM); painted console, projection platform, saris, fabric, and design (BW).

Bruce Wall and Josh Miller
Animated Virtual Kolam, 2011
Animated projection on shaped screen of the Virtual Kolam library of images. Database is updated every 10 minutes with images projected at two speeds – 1 per second and 10 per second. Custom software by Josh Miller.

Bruce Wall and Josh Miller
Kolam Cube, 2011
An illuminated, kinetic sculpture* made from clear acrylic, monofilament, mirrors, carpeting, wood, paint (BW). Arduino I/O board, computer programmed motion, LED RGB lighting (JM)

Josh Miller
Augmented Reality Kolam, 2011
Microsoft Kinect, custom software written in Processing, 3-D models created in
Newtek Lightwave, video projection

Supplimentary Videos From Show

The Art of KOLAM, 2008 – 2011
Video and Photography by Adam Atkinson, Irene Cordero, Walt Schupp
Jr. and Bruce Wall

Featuring students, faculty and staff of NCC participating in Kolam Workshops,
demonstrating techniques and discussing the practice.

3-D Animation Kolams, 2011
ARTA 133 Advanced 3-D Computer Animation (J. Miller instructor)3-D Animation with sound

Featured students:
1. Emily Cullen
2. Ashton Gomez
3. Brian Jodoin
4. Amy Montanez
5. Giovanni Rodriguez
6. Nicholas Zabolotnyi

Students were presented with an introduction to the practice of Kolam and provided with examples of traditional designs (BW). They were then asked to create 3-D animations based on their personal interpretations of these motifs and guided through the use of advanced features in Lightwave software (JM).

The tech of the Kolam Show
Tech overview with Josh Miller. Filming and editing by Adam Atkinson

Kolam Workshop 9/19/2008
Kolam creation workshop led by Bruce Wall

Kolam Workshop 2 - Fall 2008
Kolam creation workshop led by Bruce Wall